
I’m Gabe!

I am a recent graduate of the University of Minnesota’s User Experience/User Interface Certificate program, and I’m excited to begin a new chapter in the field of UX/UI.

My experience as a User Experience Designer is influenced by my early childhood fascination with technology, my art school experience, and my identity as a Puerto Rican.

I grew up in Caguas, Puerto Rico – a suburb outside of San Juan. As a child, I was always fascinated by technology – especially computers. I would frequently find myself in trouble for having disassembled the family computer just to see if I could put it back together. I also loved art and developed an early talent for drawing. As a bilingual language speaker, I’ve always viewed art as a tertiary form of communication and something that can describe and convey concepts that words otherwise can’t.

I studied graphic design at the Escuela Arte Plasticos y Diseno in San Juan. My formal art education cultivated the foundations of visual design and instilled the importance of human-centric design. As an artist and a designer, I believe that superior visual communication happens at the intersection of form and function, where creativity meets user-centered design principles to craft compelling and intuitive user experiences. Intuitive user experiences are critical in an increasingly digital world that transcends language and geographical barriers.

After Hurricane Maria in 2018, I moved to Minneapolis, Minnesota. My move to the U.S. provided an opportunity to revisit and enhance my experience as a visual communicator through the University of Minnesota’s User Experience/User Interface Certificate Program. and pursue a field that blends my passions for visual communication and technology.

One my most cherished experiences of the UX/UI program is Diaspora: A Small Art Gallery. The project was an opportunity to celebrate art and artist from underrepresented communities.

Interested in working with me?
