
Travel app case study

OutBound caters to busy work-from-home millennials, providing an effortless way to plan and book travel experiences. My objective was to design a delightful and user-friendly platform for unique travel adventures.

Research & Insight

In response to the overwhelming variety of travel apps and websites, OutBound was conceived as a solution for travelers seeking new and memorable experiences. It aims to simplify travel planning while offering fun and unique options.

In this research project, my focus was understanding how users plan their travel. I began by creating a proto-persona, refining my project scope, and developing a user research plan with five 1-on-1 interviews to gather valuable insights.


During the Ideation phase, I identified impactful features to address user pain points. A storyboard visualized an ideal scenario, leading to the creation of an engaging user flow after competitor analysis and feature matrix assessment. The wireframe prototype underwent user testing, revealing positive user feedback with minor issues addressed in subsequent iterations.

Prototyping & testing

Starting with hand-drawn wireframes, I progressed to lo-fi digital wireframes, enabling the development of an interactive prototype for user testing. Identified UI improvements during testing informed mid-fi iterations, ensuring the final product is both enjoyable and easy to use.