
nonprofit Re-design

In this project, our team aimed to enhance the online presence of an animal rescue non-profit by redesigning their website.

Research & insight

As a collaborative effort, I worked with my team to revamp Southwest Metro's website, aligning it with UX & UI best practices and implementing responsive web design. We started by identifying and addressing critical issues in the website's navigation, UI, and accessibility, using data from user tests to refine our focus.

An integral part of our project was improving the fostering application process, particularly addressing the challenges posed by a cumbersome 3-page downloadable PDF form. We simplified the process, replacing it with a user-friendly form and incorporating a dropdown FAQ.

Completing the style guide and creating a hi-fi prototype, we conducted A/B testing to determine the optimal color scheme and received valuable user feedback on design elements. The resulting tablet prototype, following RWD best practices, demonstrated the power of good design in enhancing user experience for a pet adoption website.